The Hermit Poet

August 11, 2006

Time’s They Are a Changin’

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 11:23 pm

So sang the long haired guy in the outdoor patio of the bar next to the Vancouver Downtown Library Square. And changin’ they are indeed. Recent news from my parents let me know that my sister has successfully landed a webmaster job with the Victoria Public Library. This means their family will be moving to the “Island” as they say around here. So they’ll be closer to the rest of us, but still a bit far since we’ll have to take a ferry to see them.

I spent last night and part of the early morning today re-reading poetry submissions for Boxcar Poetry Review and sending out responses. It’s not my favorite part of the job, but I still find some enjoyment in it — well, usually not in sending out rejections. Still looking for more work. If you’ve got poems looking for a good home, give us a try:

And lastly, I have an interview on Monday for a teaching/tutoring position at a language center. It’d be nice to have a steady job and this one seems promising. Couple this with a very positive conversation with a local community college earlier this week, things are looking up. I spent a good chunk of my afternoon writing course proposals and hope to have them all done this weekend.

2 Responses to “Time’s They Are a Changin’”

  1. Michael Says:

    Just clicked on the link here and read the latest edition of Boxcar. Blown over by many of them. Wonderful selections, Neil! Great work.

  2. 590525 Blog Verification Says:

    590525 Blog Verification…


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