The Hermit Poet

September 1, 2006

Productive Week?

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 11:49 am

In some senses, yes.

  1. Poetry Feature.  Bonnie and Sita at Pandora’s Collective, a large local writers’ collective, have offered me the opportunity to be a featured poet at the downtown Chapters Bookstore in early October.  I’ll share the limelight with local poet Carson Tipper — it’s a great opportunity to get some more visibility.
  2. Joined the Creative Borg.  Met with and officially joined the Vancouver Artists Collective Association.  Seems like an excellent business and networking move.  I’m excited about the overall vision and project of the collective, as well as the prospect of working with and learning from other local  writers and artists.
  3. Radio Appearance.  I’ve been offered a chance to appear on a local coop radio poetry show called World Poetry Cafe — probably sometime late September or October.  There’s a good chance I’ll get on to the December reading list at the World Poetry Reading at the downtown Vancouver Public Library – if not, it will be in the new year.  While that won’t be a feature, it will be great publicity.  The reading is co-sponsored by the library, a local tv station, and a few other interested parties.
  4. Found Another Potential Client.  Met with my new employment counsellor (the last one is out on sick leave due to a freak grocery shopping accident).  Seems she also is interested in writing, but has difficulty fitting in the time.  Perhaps I should put together a 30 minute presentation on how to get started when you have “no time” to write?

PS.  I’m leaving tomorrow to head to Calgary where I’ll be helping my sister out with her family’s move to Victoria.  Won’t be back till Thursday.  I’ll be offline for most of that time.

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