More Poems Accepted (Really!)
Well, “it never rains but it pours” as they say — and Vancouver is one of the rainiest of places.
Concelebratory Shoehorn Review (CSR) has just accepted 5 of my poems for publication in May.
Look forward to reading: “Four Hours to Taipei”, “Cycling in the Dark”, “Gift”, “Kite Flying”, and “Credo”.
CSR works a little differently than most literary reviews — the editor (Maurice Oliver) contacts the poets and solicits material directly from them. While he still reserves the right to reject some or all of the pieces, this process does take some of the guesswork out. You as a poet at least know that he’s interested in your work.
This continues my rather sneaky attempt to publish my entire manuscript piecemeal before it gets accepted and published as a book…. Counting published and pending pieces, I’ve got 30/54 poems in the manuscript placed in journals. Over 50% there!
Anyway, best of luck to other poets out there — good karma all around.
January 29th, 2007 at 11:05 pm
Congratulations is in order again. Your father and I are so proud of you. Keep up your good work.
Mom and Dad