The Hermit Poet

February 19, 2007

New Options – Good News for Fall

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 11:00 am

Well, I’m very pleased to announce that the University of _______ has just contacted me to let me know that I’ve been accepted to their PhD program. They’re working on the funding issues right now, but are hoping to put together a rather generous package shortly. I’m excited — I’ve got someplace to go in the fall!

I’m still waiting to hear back from a few other programs, but this is fantastic news and definitely gives me something to look forward to other than scraping out a meager existence as a web designer & tutor.

Best wishes to everyone else currently playing the waiting game!

2 Responses to “New Options – Good News for Fall”

  1. Mary Alexandra Agner Says:


  2. margaret Says:


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