The Hermit Poet

November 26, 2007

2nd Pushcart Nomination / Homes

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 12:10 pm

Just in — an email from Re Dactions to let me know that they’ve nominated my poem “comment” for the Pushcart Prize!

“comment” is from my current manuscript project, “Babbage’s Dream” which revolves around the themes of isolation and beauty in the world of computers and computer programmers. Re Dactions was actually the first (and so far only) journal to pick up these new poems. It’s good to know that someone is reading and enjoying these poems.

You can read it on my website here

More of the computer poems are out in circulation now, so hopefully some of them will be finding homes soon.

Speaking of homes — my mother has successfully sold her place in Penticton and will be moving to a new condo in Abbottsford. She’ll be closer to my sister’s family, so she can take care of the grandkid more often. I think it’s a good move. Abbottsford has an airport and is close to the US border as well. It’s not far from Vancouver (maybe 45 minutes) and seems like a good central location.

I’ll be flying “home” for Christmas and spending about 10 days there. It should be good — but different.

One Response to “2nd Pushcart Nomination / Homes”

  1. Lee H. Says:

    Have a good visit—and congratulations on the nomination!

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