The Hermit Poet

September 15, 2005

And It’s Off to the Races

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 11:14 am

I just mailed my first manuscript out for this round of book competitions. I feel very good about my (hopefully) book-to-be. I’m not certain where or when, but I do feel that The Lost Country of Sight will find itself a publisher. It’s only 52 pages right now — but it may grow a bit as I write more pertinent material.

I’m excited. I know better than to be so optimistic — there’s hundreds, possibly thousands of other poetry manuscripts floating out there. Some of them truly exceptional. But this time I’m sending out a killer. Or, as my poet friend Yuzun might say, a monster. A real monster. Finely tuned and dangerous, with lots of spikey bits for good measure. Fire-breathing on Thursdays.

Go little poetry monster. Go.

One Response to “And It’s Off to the Races”

  1. Arthur Says:

    Congrats Neil. Good luck, hope you find a publisher. Makes me proud that someone from our little band of vagabonds is walking the walk and getting it done.

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