The Hermit Poet

November 17, 2005

Sometimes a great “No” is almost as good as a “Yes”

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 5:06 pm

In today’s mail, the warmest kind of rejection from Mid-American Review where the editor as pencilled in his own remarks:

Thanks for the strong poems — “Gift” and “Prodigal” came very close for us. It’s always good to see your work come in — I hope to see it again soon.

As an editor of a journal myself, I really appreciate the time put into such a note. It’s hard to personalize this process, but it is deeply appreciated. I’ll definitely be sending something else their direction this weekend.

2 Responses to “Sometimes a great “No” is almost as good as a “Yes””

  1. kaitken Says:

    Someone suggested that MAR editors were attracted to to writing of a spiritual ( thogh not mecessarily religious) nature– whatever that means. But I frequently detect that quality in your poetry, so this encouraging response from the poetry editor does not come as a suroprise to me. Nevertheless, these remarks are far more encouraging than most rejections. Give them more!

  2. mparker38 Says:

    Rejection letters can be so impersonal. So this is very nice. I can’t wait to read these poems.

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