The Hermit Poet

May 1, 2007

4 more poems up today: CSR 5

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 9:03 am

The new issue of CSR (Concelebratory Shoehorn Review) is now up and features 4 of my poems. You can visit it here — my poems are located toward the end.

The poems in this issue are:

“Four Hours to Taipei”
“Cycling in the Dark”
“Kite Flying”

The entire issue is quite impressive — I really love how the chemistry between all the poems (mine and other people’s) in this selection. It’s definitely bravo-worthy.

Poem up in the new issue of Poetry Southeast

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 7:14 am

Poetry Southeast was nice enough to reprint my poem “After Neruda” in their most recent issue. You can check it out here.

The poem originally appeared in print in the 2004 Beyond the Valley of Contemporary Poets anthology.

PBS Special: The Mormons

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 6:40 am

PBS is running a two-part special on “The Mormons” which has so far been rather even-handed in its approach. While I generally avoid delving into matters of religion in this blog, religion and spirituality are important aspects of who I am — so it’s good to see a well-researched documentary which avoids sensationalism and misinformation and puts its effort instead on showing both the dark and light aspects of the church and its history. I think it helps dispel the belief that Mormons are uniform in opinion or blind in their belief. There is room for complexity and diversity (and certainly room for me). PBS is making the first installment available online later today.

You can visit the PBS site here.

I’ll be returning shortly to regular poetry and life posting

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