Kundiman Asian American Poetry Retreat
June 21 – 25, 2006
Deadline: Postmark March 1, 2006
In order to help mentor the next generation of Asian-American poets, Kundiman is sponsoring an annual Poetry Retreat at The University of Virginia. During the Retreat, nationally renowned Asian American poets will conduct workshops and provide one-on-one mentorship sessions with participants. Readings and informal social gatherings will also be scheduled. Through this Retreat, Kundiman hopes to provide a safe and instructive environment that identifies and addresses the unique challenges faced by emerging Asian American poets. This 5-day Retreat will take place from Wednesday to Sunday. Workshops will be conducted from Thursday to Saturday. Workshops will not exceed six students.
Arthur Sze is a second-generation Chinese American. Educated at the University of California, Berkeley, Sze is the author of five volumes of poetry, including most recently The Redshifting Web: Poems 1970-1998 (Copper Canyon Press, 1998), a finalist for the 1999 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize. His poems have also appeared in numerous magazines, including American Poetry Review, The Paris Review, Mother Jones, Conjunctions, and The Bloomsbury Review. Translations of Sze’s work have been published in Italy and China. The recipient of a Lannan Literary Award for Poetry, three Witter Bynner Foundation Poetry Fellowships, and two Creative Writing Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Sze currently directs the Creative Writing Program at the Institute for American Indian Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he has taught for more than a decade.
Kazim Ali is the author of The Far Mosque (Alice James Books). His poems and essays have appeared in such journals as The Iowa Review, Colorado Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review and Catamaran, and in the anthologies Writing the Lines of Our Hands and Risen From the East. A graduate of the Creative Writing Program at New York University, he is the author of a novel, Quinn’s Passage. He is the publisher of Nightboat Books and assistant professor of English at Shippensburg University.
Jennifer Chang holds degrees from the University of Chicago and the University of Virginia. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Barrow Street, Gulf Coast, New England Review, Pleiades, Virginia Quarterly Review, Asian American Poetry: The Next Generation, Best New Poets 2005, and other publications. The title poem of her manuscript The History of Anonymity received the 2004 Campbell Corner Poetry prize. She is the 2005 Van Lier Fellow in Poetry at the Asian American Writers’ Workshop and was awarded the Louis Untermeyer scholarship to the 2005 Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. She teaches in the creative writing program at Rutgers University.
Jon Pineda is the author of Birthmark (Southern Illinois University Press, 2004), winner of the Crab Orchard Award Series in Poetry Open Competition. A recipient of a Virginia Commission for the Arts Individual Artist Fellowship, he is a graduate of James Madison University and of the MFA program in creative writing at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he received an AWP Intro Award for Poetry. His recent work has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Sou’wester and various anthologies.
Requests for financial aid should be made after acceptance to the retreat. As Kundiman is a new non-profit, there is a very limited amount of financial aid available. Awards will be given on a need-based basis. Average award amount is $100. To keep the cost of the retreat low for all participants, fees are not charged for workshops or programming. Room and Board for the retreat is $300.
Send five to seven (5-7) paginated, stapled pages of poetry, with your name included on each page. Include a cover letter with your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and a brief paragraph describing what you would like to accomplish at the Kundiman Asian American Poets’ Retreat. Include a SAS postcard if you want an application receipt. Manuscripts will not be returned. No electronic submissions, please.
Mail application to:
245 Eighth Avenue #151
New York, NY 10011
Submissions must be postmarked by March 1, 2006