Purchasing “The Lost Country of Sight”
Evidently Amazon and a number of other sites have listed my book, but haven’t updated their entries to indicate that the book is indeed available for purchase (a friend of mine actually ordered and received a copy before Nov 1).
Here’s where and how you can purchase my book:
- Anhinga Press – Order Page (their online ordering form is being updated, but you can order via email) – http://www.anhinga.org/orderform.cfm
- SPD Books (Small Press Distribution) – Regular online shopping cart system – http://spdbooks.org/details.asp?BookID=9781934695067
- Amazon – Lists it as pre-order, but actually will send you a copy – http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Country-Sight-Neil-Aitken/dp/1934695068
- Barnes & Noble – evidently is confused and thinks the book won’t be out until January 2009
- Local bookstores – if they don’t have it on the shelf, ask them to order in copies from Anhinga Press.
- Readings – if I’m in your area, I’d be happy to sell you a copy. If I’m not giving a reading in your area, but you know someone who is looking for poets to read, please pass my name along.
It would also be helpful if you could mention the book to your local librarian. If it might help, you could even mention that the poet is the son of a librarian.