Unemployed in Greenland
Well, actually not Greenland — probably Vancouver, BC. Yesterday I received word from the last of the applications I had out for teaching fellowships, indicating that I had not been selected for one of the positions there. So it’s pretty much 100% certain that I’ll be moving back to Canada at the end of this quarter.
Although I don’t have anything lined up right now, I feel that Vancouver would be a good place to set up shop as an adjunct teacher and part-time web designer. In addition to UBC, there’s a lot of community colleges and trade schools in the area. There’s also a thriving literary scene. I hope to run some workshops as well. It’s not really the path I had wanted, but it’s the road I’ll be traveling, so I’ll make the best of it as I can.
I’ve got a few web design jobs lined up, so I’ll have some income in the interim. In some respects, this might work out well for me — I’ll likely have more time to write and work on my other projects. Still, some sort of regular pay schedule would be nice.
If you have advice on how to make ends meet after graduation, I’d be happy to hear it.
May 1st, 2006 at 12:37 pm
hi neil / got here via a link from pris’s site
i think / vancouver’s not so bad / i’m in the interior
the kootenays / / would love to spend some more time
at the coast / & yes / mostly because there is such
a thriving lit scene there
alas / what is a mother of 6 to do / stay put i suppose / there is a lot to be said about nature / lol /
we do have a great lit scene here
but living in the city has advantages over a small
ah / welcome back to b.c. eh
enjoyed perusing your site
May 1st, 2006 at 12:48 pm
Thanks Jenn — I’m looking forward to returning, but am a bit apprehensive at the same time — suddenly I’m scrambling to find work, a place to stay, and a new community of writers. My closest relative lives on Gabriola Island, two ferries away.
Still, I expect that something will work out.