The Hermit Poet

November 26, 2006

Studying for the GRE Literature

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 9:58 pm

I’m taking the GRE Literature on Saturday and gearing up for my last bit of cramming and review. If you’re planning on taking it in the near future or sometime next year, you might want to check out the following online resources:

  1. GRE Literature in English Test Preparation – this is a nice compilation and evaluation of all the online and print resources
  2. Vade Mecum – thorough examination of likely texts to be covered, broken up by period. has bios and frequently tested quotes
  3. GRE Recommended Reading List – a breakdown of which texts have appeared most often on the GRE Literature
  4. How to Master the Literature GRE (Skylar Hamilton Burris) – a decent look at how to focus your studying to maximum effectiveness
  5. Literary Resources – also from Skylar Burris, an even more valuable set of timelines, critical writing, and summaries related to the various periods of English literature.

Obviously this isn’t an exhaustive list — but the advice that each of the above is sound. In fact, I really wish I had found a couple of these earlier. The Vade Mecum site is an excellent way to review things in an organized fashion.

We’ll see how it all plays out, but for now I’m not expecting much — just a score that’s better than the ones I’ve been getting on the practice tests.

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