The Hermit Poet

October 11, 2005

Good News in My Inbox!

Filed under: General — Neil Aitken @ 5:37 pm

After so many rejections lately, I was more than pleasantly surprised to see an email from Heidi Gotz informing me that my poem “At the Physicists’ Ball” had been selected to appear in an upcoming issue of DIAGRAM. What’s strange about this is that it’s a poem that I didn’t think would be picked up — something written at the spur of the moment while musing about how physics, calculus, and lonely people might intersect at a dance. My more ambitious pieces have proven harder to place — a strange irony in the ratio of work to payoff.

In any case, I’m feeling fantastic. I think I’ll celebrate with some meat with my ramen!

The rejection notice from Image is a distant second place in the news for the day.

2 Responses to “Good News in My Inbox!”

  1. josephus Says:

    Congrats, Neil! I’m so proud that Kundie fellows are getting their work/poems out there. Rock on!

  2. Ivy Says:


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